Marsden Maritime Holdings
Telephone: 09 432 5033
Email: info@marsdenmaritime.co.nz
Physical Address:
8 Marsden Bay Drive
Marsden Point
Ruakaka 0171
New Zealand
Postal Address:
PO Box 196
Ruakaka 0151
New Zealand
Chief Executive
- Rosie Mercer
- Mobile: 027 316 6999
- Email: rosie.mercer@marsdenmaritime.co.nz
Chief Financial Officer
- Vidura Galpoththage
- Mobile: 021 0272 5450
- Email: vidura@marsdenmaritime.co.nz
Head of Development
- Marc Forrester
- Mobile: 021 569 397
- Email: marc@marsdenmaritime.co.nz
New Business and Customer Communications Lead
- Stephen Gibson
- Mobile: 021 2116255
- Email: sg@marsdenmaritime.co.nz
Head of Operations and Property
- Karri Williams
- Mobile: 021 920 499
- Email: kw@marsdenmaritime.co.nz